This hearing focused on successes of the Helsinki process in guiding Eastern Europe towards democratic governance and how a similar framework could work in Africa. The joint hearing emphasized the need for expedient action for the continent or risk unmanageable stagnating crises. Many former oppressive regimes in Eastern Europe draw parallels to similar governing system in the African continent, such systems lack rule based institutions, political enfranchisement, and civil protections. The Commissioners and the distinguished panelists discuss what measures African countries are taking in their democratization process and what the additional actions should be.
Hon. Chris Smith
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Hon. Steny Hoyer
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Hon. Meryvn Dymally
U.S. Senate
Hon. Dennis DeConcini
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Hon. Donald Payne
U.S. Congress
Chester Crocker
Distinguished Research Professor of International Affairs
Georgetown University
Felix Mosha
Africa Leadership Forum
Vivian Derryck
The African-American Institute
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