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Read what our chair, co-chair, and Commissioners have had to say at OSCE events, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and more.
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Cardin in Senate 368x331

Remarks from Sen. Cardin Concerning Election Observa...

Nov 12, 2020

Statement at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Meeting of the Standing Committee Mr. Secretary General on behalf of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, let me congratulate our president, our secretary general, and leadership of the OSCE parliamentary assembly. I know I am joined by Senator Roger Wicker, our vice president, and Congressman Richard Hudson the Chair of the […]


Statement at the OSCE Event “Policing in Diver...

Oct 06, 2020

In the past months, we have seen a rise in anti-racism protests and movements across the globe. However, there is nothing recent about the roots of systemic racism that were planted in our societies centuries ago. Through targeted and conscious action in the United States and throughout the OSCE region, this racism can be removed, […]


Respecting Human Rights and Maintaining Democratic C...

May 08, 2020

Statement at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Webinar: Respecting Human Rights and Maintaining Democratic Control during States of Emergency President Tsereteli, Secretary General Montella, it is good hear from you.  I am pleased to see that this Assembly has found ways to communicate, cooperate and collaborate — in spite of the distances that keep us apart, […]


Remarks from Sen. Cardin Concerning COVID-19 Emergen...

May 08, 2020

OSCE PA Webinar: Respecting Human Rights And Maintaining Democratic Control During States of Emergency Thank you, Mr. President Tsereteli and Secretary General Montella, for organizing this dialogue.  Director Gisladottir and Mr. Abramowitz, thank you for the work each of you is doing to shine a light on the human rights and democracy implications of emergency […]


Statement at the Meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary A...

Apr 27, 2020

Mr. President, Secretary General Montella, thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in this Bureau meeting. I commend you for your efforts to ensure that the work of the Assembly continues and that this body responds to the urgent challenges all of our countries face. I particularly welcome the information you have put […]


Remarks to the Mediterranean Forum

Oct 04, 2019

Autumn Meeting of the OSCE PA *NOTE: As prepared for delivery* Before arriving in Morocco, I led a bicameral and bipartisan Congressional delegation to Tunisia and Israel. While in these countries, my colleagues and I held high-level exchanges with national leadership, civil society, religious leaders, and others to assess the current state of regional security, […]

Senator Wicker | Meeting with the Bosnian Presidency | July 3, 2018

Press Conference Following U.S. Congressional Delega...

Jul 03, 2018

Thank you Madam Ambassador.  We appreciate it very, very much.  And this is indeed a bicameral and bipartisan delegation of members of the United States Congress and I am pleased to be here in Sarajevo for my fifth visit.  This is a nine-member congressional delegation. It represents – as the Ambassador said – the bicameral […]

Senator Roger Wicker | Nemtsov Plaza Dedication Ceremony | February 27, 2018

Nemtsov Plaza Dedication Ceremony

Feb 27, 2018

In 1997, I traveled to Moscow with a bipartisan group of House members to talk with Russian leaders.  We discussed a number of topics – missile defense, private property rights, even mortgages for Russian people.  One of our delegation’s delightful experiences was a meeting with Russia’s First Deputy Prime Minister, Boris Nemtsov.  At age 37, […]


The Helsinki Process as a Model for East Asian Colle...

Nov 16, 2017

Distinguished dignitaries and guests, good afternoon and welcome. Thank you all for joining us today. Thank you in particular to our South Korean hosts and to the Sejong Institute for putting this conference together. I am here representing the U.S. Helsinki Commission, an independent Commission of the U.S. Congress. The Commission monitors compliance with commitments […]


Statement by Commissioner Representative Mike McInty...

Oct 03, 2014

OSCE PA Autumn Meeting Session 1: Political and Military Dimension Debate on the Crisis in Ukraine  This Parliamentary Assembly spoke clearly on this matter in the Declaration adopted at the annual session in Baku.  Starting with vicious propaganda and intimidation of journalists, Moscow created this conflict by stoking irrational fears and then reinforcing violence in […]


Importance of Good Governance to Comprehensive Security

Jun 16, 2014

Remarks to the 2014 OSCE Japan Conference on Sharing Experiences and Lessons Learned between the OSCE and Asian Partners for Cooperation in Order to Create a Safer, More Interconnected and Fairer World in the Face of Emerging Challenges Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for your kind introduction. It’s a pleasure to be here today. I’d also […]


Good Governance

Oct 22, 2011

Economic and Environmental Dimension Implementation Meeting Session 3: Good Governance Before I begin, I’d like to thank the panelists today for their excellent and informative presentations. The United States has viewed with keen interest the evolving discussions in recent years on what the OSCE’s priorities should be in the Economic and Environmental Dimension. As our […]
