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Hastings, Alcee

Introduction of Resolution on Ukraine Political Crisis

  • Hon. Alcee L. Hastings

House of Representative

110th Congress, First Session

Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, I rise to introduce a concurrent resolution which addresses the current political crisis in Ukraine, a country of strategic importance to the United States. My resolution urges all sides to the ongoing impasse to act responsibly and use dialogue to resolve the crisis and ensure a free and democratic system in Ukraine based on the rule of law. I am pleased that Rep. KAPTUR, a co-chair of the Ukrainian American Caucus, has joined me as original cosponsor.

Ukraine’s current political conflict is the result of the ongoing power struggle that President Victor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Victor Yanukovich have now been engaged in since Yanukovich became Prime Minister last August. This power struggle, rooted in hastily conceived constitutional reforms, threatens to undermine Ukraine’s hard-fought and substantial democratic gains, especially those won since the 2004 Orange Revolution.

Exactly 2 weeks ago today, President Yushchenko issued a decree dissolving parliament, asserting that the Prime Minister was attempting to monopolize power, and called for new parliamentary elections for May 27. Parliament has refused to disband and questions the legality of the presidential decree. Ukraine’s Constitutional Court is to rule on the legality of the decree and both sides have agreed to abide by the Court’s decision. Unfortunately, some of the Court’s judges have already complained of threats and pressure, especially from Yanukovich’s supporters. Clearly, this is unacceptable and steps have been taken to protect the judges.

Madam Speaker, it is important to note that Ukraine has made real democratic gains since the Orange Revolution. A year ago, as President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, I had the privilege of leading the OSCE-Ied International Election Observation Mission to Ukraine’s parliamentary elections and the pleasure and profound satisfaction of pronouncing them free and fair. Also, in contrast to the first 13 years of its independence, Ukraine in now designated by Freedom House as a “free” country, and not merely “partly free.” Nevertheless, despite the progress, there have been missed opportunities and some of the promises of that historic revolution have gone unfulfilled.

Democratic institutions and the rule of law in Ukraine are still emerging and fragile and lacking in their ability to safeguard democratic gains, and it is this weakness that has made it possible for this power struggle to ripen into a full-blown political crisis. First and foremost, my resolution calls for the crisis to be resolved in a manner that adheres to the rule of law consistent with Ukraine’s democratic values and national security, in keeping with its OSCE commitments. It is also essential that the dispute is resolved in a peaceful manner. I am encouraged that demonstrations in Kyiv have been peaceful and that all sides to the dispute appear to recognize that any kind of violent conflict would have very negative consequences for Ukraine.

Madam Speaker, prolonged instability is clearly not in Ukraine’s interests and that nation’s political leaders need to find a transparent way out of the current impasse that all parties will abide by. I hope that responsible dialogue consistent with the rule of law leads to a positive outcome for the Ukrainian people and the democratic path they have chosen.

As this resolution underscores, Congress has been a staunch supporter of the development of democracy and respect for human rights and the rule of law in Ukraine since the restoration of that nation’s independence in 1991. The consolidation of democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine will further strengthen that country’s independence and sovereignty, enhancing Ukraine’s aspirations for full integration with the West. I urge my colleagues to support this timely resolution as a demonstration of Congress’ interest, concern, and support for the Ukrainian people.

By Mr. HASTINGS of Florida (for himself, Ms. KAPTUR, and Mr. LEVIN): 

H. Con. Res. 115. Concurrent resolution urging all sides to the current political crisis in Ukraine to act responsibly and use dialogue to resolve the crisis and ensure a free and transparent democratic system in Ukraine based on the rule of law; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

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