WASHINGTON– Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL), Chairman of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) and Co-Chairman Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD), will hold a briefing on Thursday, October 25 at 2:00 p.m. in room 1539 of the Longworth House Office Building. The briefing entitled, “The Ukrainian Elections: Implications for Ukraine’s Future Direction,” will focus on Ukraine’s September 30 elections that stemmed from a longstanding political dispute between President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, which resulted in a political crisis earlier this year. While the elections were generally free and fair, Ukraine must still form a new government, consolidate democratic institutions and strengthen the rule of law, which will enhance Ukraine’s aspirations for full integration with the West.
Speakers include:
His Excellency Oleh Shamshur, Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States
Amb. William Miller, former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine and presently a Senior Scholar at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center. Amb. Miller was a member of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) International Election Observation Delegation to the September 30 Ukrainian elections.
Mr. Stephen Nix, Director of the Eurasian Division at the International Republican Institute (IRI) and member of the IRI election observation mission to the September 30 Ukrainian elections