WASHINGTON – The United States Helsinki Commission will conduct a hearing to examine the level of cooperation in the war on terrorism among the participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Cooperation in the War on Terrorism: The OSCE Region
Wednesday, May 8, 2002
10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
334 Cannon House Office Building
The hearing will focus on efforts of the OSCE to coordinate counter-terrorism activities among its 55 participating States and the level to which these States are fulfilling their commitments to cooperate in this endeavor. Diplomatic and financial dimensions of the war on terrorism will be examined as well as the critical role which the European Union (EU) plays in efforts to combat terrorism in the OSCE region and worldwide.
His Excellency Antonio Martins da Cruz, Portuguese Foreign Minister and Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE
His Excellency Javier Ruperez, Ambassador of Spain to the United States
(Spain currently serves as President of the European Union.)
The Honorable Jimmy Gurule, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement
Mark F. Wong, Principal Deputy Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism,U.S. Department of State
This hearing on international cooperative efforts to combat terrorism will take place on the heels of the recent U.S.-EU summit on counter terrorism cooperation held in Washington.