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Dante Fascell



"I am extremely proud of the work of this Commission during the past eight years. I think we have had a real impact on the Helsinki process and on U.S. Government policy in this area.

We have provided valuable services to the Congress as well as the Executive Branch. And, most importantly, we have made a lasting contribution to the noble cause of human rights."

- Chairman Dante Fascell (February 6, 1984)

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Jul 22, 2019

By Annie Lentz, Max Kampelman Fellow The Soviet-Afghan War, which lasted for more than nine years, began with the December 1979 invasion following a Soviet-orchestrated coup and the subsequent appointment of Soviet loyalist Babrak Karmal as president of a communist Afghan government. The coup was a direct violation of international law and global norms as […]

OSCE PA 2015 Spencer Oliver

The Helsinki Commission, Forty Years Ago and Today

Feb 07, 2017

Spencer Oliver saw the foundation of the Helsinki Commission as its first Chief of Staff, from 1976 to 1985. After subsequent service as Chief Counsel at the House Foreign Affairs Committee, he served as the first Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly from October 1992 to December 2015. Spencer Oliver, a personal witness to […]

OSCE Flags Tile 745x670

Status of Conventional Stability Talks in Europe

Jun 23, 1988

This hearing, which Commissioner Steny H. Hoyer presided over, was part and parcel of an anticipated series of Conventional Stability Talks within the framework of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The hearing also was a joint hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Helsinki Commission. At the hearing, Commissioner Hoyer expressed […]


Chairmanship of the Commission on Security and Coope...

Feb 06, 1984

This hearing was convened to discuss H.R. 4504, a bill introduced by the committee chairman, the Honorable Dante Fascell, of Florida.  This legislation provided for several changes in the administration of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. First, it stipulated that the Chairman of the Commission could not also be the chairman of another […]


Forced Labor in the Soviet Union

Nov 09, 1983

The subject of our hearing is forced labor in the Soviet Union. We have long been interested in the subject at the Commission, as many others have. The Commission issued staff reports on the subject as early as August 1980. There is no exact statistics exist in the West on the central question of the […]


Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union

Sep 20, 1983

This joint hearing with the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations was held in response to a request from the American Psychiatric Association to generate an opportunity for discussion about the abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union. This human rights violation was a common weapon of punishment utilized by the Soviet Union against […]


Soviet Jewry: H. Con. Res. 63

Jun 23, 1983

This joint hearing by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations, and the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe examined the plight of Jews in the Soviet Union. Moscow’s heightened campaign of hatred against its own citizens, in flagrant disregard of international law, was identified as a factor in […]


The Assassination Attempt on Pope John Paul II

Sep 23, 1982

The subject of this hearing, which Commissioner Millicent Fenwick chaired, was whether or not there was the possibility of complicity, on the part of the Soviet and Bulgarian secret police, to Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca’s assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. As per Principle VI of the Helsinki Final Act, signatory nations are […]


Soviet Involvement in the Polish Economy

Apr 01, 1982

Commissioner Dante B. Fascell chaired this hearing, the purpose of which was to review the record of Soviet involvement in the planning, direction, and operation of the Polish economy. Before the time of this hearing, Soviet involvement in the Polish economy had been the source of much speculation. More specifically, Poland’s economy was functioning poorly, […]


Soviet Violation of Helsinki Final Act: Invasion of ...

Jul 22, 1981

Attendees at this hearing, over which Commissioner Dante B. Fascell presided, discussed the December 1979 invasion of Afghanistan by the former Soviet Union, an invasion that ran counter to international law due to Afghanistan’s status as sovereign and independent. The set of agreements that the Soviet Union signed on to in 1975 with 34 other […]

Fifth Anniversary of the Formation of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group Tile 1x2

Fifth Anniversary of the Formation of the Ukrainian ...

Feb 16, 1981

On November 9, 1976, 10 brave men and women in Kiev organized a citizens’ group to examine how the Soviet Government was living up to its Helsinki human rights pledges. Tragically, however, far from greeting this new civic endeavor, the Kremlin, in a savage campaign of official reprisal, singled out the Ukrainian Helsinki Group for […]

Annual Reports

Helsinki Commission Annual Report – 1979-1980

Dec 31, 1980

The annual report of the activities of the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, from January 1, 1979 to December 31, 1980.
