This hearing reviewed the potential for spillover in the Yugoslav conflict. In particular, the hearing examined the aggression in Bosnia- Herzegovina and the possible effects of this on its own ethnic communities and on those of neighboring countries. The economic decline that followed the disintegration of Yugoslavia provided additional hardships for the large refugee population in the region. The Commissioners examined how the U.S. should respond, and whether current policies, such as sanctions on Serbia and Montenegro, are effective.
Hon. Dennis DeConcini
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Hon. Steny Hoyer
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Stephen Oxman
Assistant Secretary for European and Canadian Affairs
Department of State
Paul Warnke
Former Assistant Secretary for International Affiars
Department of Defense
Dr. John Lampe
Director, East European Studies
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Janusz Bugajski
Associate Director of East European Studies
Center for Strategic and International Studies
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