In March 2015, Helsinki Commission Ranking Senator Ben Cardin was appointed the first-ever Special Representative on Anti-Semitism, Racism and Intolerance by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA).
Senator Cardin’s 2017 winter report to the President of the Parliamentary Assembly outlines his work from February 10 – June 26, 2017 in fulfillment of the following mandate:
- Raise awareness in and report to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on the persisting problem of prejudice and discrimination in the OSCE area, including anti-Semitism, other religion- and race-based intolerance and other forms of intolerance.
- Raise awareness in and report to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on the track records of OSCE participating States in combating these problems.
- Advise the Assembly on the implementation of its agreed policies in these matters as well as on the development of new policies and strategies, including on how to protect the individuals and communities affected.
- Seek to promote dialogue and exchange of best practices within the Assembly on combating these problems.
- Communicate with relevant actors within the OSCE who work on combating prejudice and discrimination in the OSCE area, including anti-Semitism, other religion- and race-based intolerance and other forms of intolerance.
The 2017 Annual Report details Senator Cardin’s efforts to specifically address four priorities through engagement with multiple stakeholders, special initiatives, and legislation: 1) anti-Semitism and community security; 2) anti-Muslim bigotry; 3) policing; and 4) anti-migrant/refugee bias.
Efforts described in the report include:
- The introduction of the Diversity in U.S. National Security Workforce Act to recognize diversity of the U.S. national security workforce as a strategic asset and strengthen employee diversity in the U.S. national security workforce.
- The introduction of the End Racial and Religious Profiling Act (ERRPA).
- A series of meetings and events hosted by Senator Cardin on Jewish security, migrants and refugees, Roma, and LGBT concerns.
Download the full report to learn more.