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The International Tribunal and Beyond: Pursuing Justice for Atrocities in the Western Balkans

Joint Briefing with the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission


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Representative Randy Hultgren


Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

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Representative Eliot Engel

House of Representatives

Member of Tom Lantos Commission and House Foreign Affairs Committee


Robert Hand

Policy Advisor

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe


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Serge Brammertz

Chief Prosecutor

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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Nemanja Stjepanovic

Member of the Executive Board

Humanitarian Law Center

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Diane Orentlicher

Professor of Law

Washington College of Law, American University

Between 1991 and 2001 the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, made up of six republics, was broken apart by a series of brutal armed conflicts. The conflicts were characterized by widespread and flagrant violations of international humanitarian law, among them mass killings of civilians, the massive, organized and systematic detention and rape of women, torture, and practices of ethnic cleansing, including forced displacement.

In 1992 the U.N. established a Commission of Experts that documented the horrific crimes on the ground and led to the 1993 creation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). This month, after more than two decades of persistent, ground-breaking efforts to prosecute the individuals responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in the former Yugoslavia, the ICTY is concluding its work. As it prepares to close its doors, this briefing will assess the tribunal’s achievements and limitations, and most importantly, what still needs to be done by the countries of the region to seek justice in outstanding cases, bring greater closure to victims, and foster greater reconciliation among peoples.

Panelists discussed these questions and suggested ways that the United States, Europe, and the international community as a whole can encourage the further pursuit of justice in the Western Balkans.

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