Everett serves as senior policy advisor for the Western Balkans and Digital Technology Policy as well as Secretary of the U.S. Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Everett rejoined the U.S. Helsinki Commission in 2022 and previously served on the Commission staff from 2016-2020. Prior to returning to the Commission, he served two years as a strategy consultant for commercial and government clients, specializing in the intersection of emerging technologies and national security. Previously at the Commission, Everett worked on the Transnational Repression Accountability and Prevention (TRAP) Act (P.L. 117-81, Sec. 6503), landmark legislation addressing authoritarian abuse of INTERPOL and other methods of intimidation and harassment directed at free voices overseas.
Everett has more than a decade and a half of experience in national security, foreign policy, and Congressional oversight spanning the executive and legislative branches and the private sector. He earned his Bachelor’s of Science in Foreign Service in Regional Studies of the Islamic World from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He is proficient in Arabic, French, and Spanish.